- Jan 13th: Dr. Pupa Gilbert (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and University of Wisconsin – Madison). “Biomineral armor in leaf-cutter ants”
- Feb 16th: TBD
- March 15th: TBD
- April 19th: TBD
- May 17th: TBD
- June 14th: TBD
- July 19th: TBD
- August 16th: TBD
- September 20th: TBD
- October 18th: TBD
- November 15th: TBD
- December 13th: TBD.
- Feb 10th: Dr. Dustin Crandall (U.S. Department of Energy, National Energy Technology Laboratory Research and Innovation Center). “Dynamic Visualization of Calcite Dissolution in Shale with Computer Tomography”
- March 10th: Dr Barbara G. Kutchko (U.S. Department of Energy, National Energy Technology Laboratory Research and Innovation Center). “The Role of Calcium Carbonate in Oilfield Cement”
- April 14th: Dr Hamidreza Samouei (Texas A&M University). “There’s Plenty of Unknown at the Bottom: Detail Studies of Calcite/Acid Reactions”
- May 19th: Dr Evan Kias (W.D. Von Gonten Engineering). “Compaction of Calcite-Rich Reservoir Mudstones”
- June 16th: Dr Patrick Gathogo (Rock Microscopy LLC). “The Petrology of Calcite. Fossils, Taphonomy, Diagenesis, and Fossil Preservation”
- July 14th: Dr Ling Li (Virginia Tech University). Biogenic calcite: multiscale structure, mechanical properties, and multifunctionality
- August 18th: Dr. David Green (Halmstad University, Sweeden). “Shape, surface and composition modification of calcite with soluble additives”
- September 15th: Dr Marta de Frutos (Paris-Saclay University, France). “STEM-EELS analysis of the structure and composition of biominerals”
- October: Cancelled
- November 17th: Dr. Seiji Nakagawa (Department, Energy Geosciences Division, EESA, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL)). “Lab measurement of subcritical crack growth and healing in calcite”
- December: Cancelled.